Find all our 2024 films here, in chronological order, so you can always find what you're looking for!

24th December

What will I learn?

Barn makes a very cute little decoration in the shape of a Christmas tree

24th December

What will I learn?

Barn discusses leaving the bark on a billet and why it might not always be the best approach

11th December

What will I learn?

Barn shows off the latest spoon in his collection - a lovely hazel spoon made by the very talented Jacob Wood


Head over to Jacob's Instagram to support his work

4th December

What will I learn?

Barn demonstrates how to put a hole in a spoon using a gouge.


Check out our videos on carving a spoon with a hole and countersinking drilled holes with a gouge on the carving a spoon page

27th November

What will I learn?

Barn looks at using a profile gauge to measure the radius of the curve in a spoon bowl


Shinwa Profile Gauge

27th November

What will I learn?

Barn takes a look at another type of profile gauge (one with some width to the fingers) and discusses if it's useful for spoons


Saker Profile Gauge

15th November

What will I learn?

Barn talks about how using a profile gauge can be useful


Shinwa Profile Gauge

7th November

What will I learn?

Barn shows off the latest spoon is his collection - a lovely little spalted beech scoop made by Felix Lane a.k.a Felix the Wood


Head over to Felix's Instagram to support his work

Check out Barn's Spoons for more lovely spoons

29th October

What will I learn?

Barn talks templates and some material that's easy to get hold of for making your own!


Head over to the design page for more top tips

22nd October

What will I learn?

Barn looks at gouges - and why some have wings, and some don't


Head over to the tools & kit page for more top tips

15th October

What will I learn?

Barn shares more top tips for sharpening a spoon knife, this time on a small Tormek


Head over to the sharpening page for more top tips

8th October

What will I learn?

Barn demonstrates how to round the shoulders of a bevel on a straight gouge on a tormek


Head over to the sharpening page for more top tips

1st October

What will I learn?

Barn looks at another finishing technique - this time using a rasp


Head over to the finishing page for more top tips

24th September

What will I learn?

Barn shows off another option for burnishing spoons


Head over to the finishing page for more top tips

17th September

What will I learn?

Barn follows up on his last video on burnishing - including how he uses the burnisher he made on his spoons


Head over to the finishing page for our original video on this

10th September

What will I learn?

Barn demonstrates some really useful axing practice that can help avoid splitting out when axing a billet. 


Head over to the axe work page for all things axing

5th September

What will I learn?

Barn shares some handy tips and tricks for sharpening a gouge using a tormek


Head over to the sharpening page for our comprehensive sharpening guides

Check out SpyderCo's sharpening rods


27th August

What will I learn?

Barn shares a spoon made the very talented Jacob Wood


Check out Stuart King's video on the spoon that inspired this one



20th August

What will I learn?

Barn shares the latest spoon in his collection, made by the wonderful Maryanne McGinn


Support Maryanne's work over on Instagram

Check out Barn's Spoons for other spoons made by Maryanne and other incredible makers

Check out Guest Instructors for some brilliant videos with Maryanne



15th August

What will I learn?

Barn looks at the handle whilst revisiting his bent branch eating spoon


Check out the in-depth spoons page for the original videos on this spoon (left handed bent branch spoon) and many other spoon designs



6th August

What will I learn?

Barn shares a very handy tip on keeping your wood green to avoid end checks.


Check out the wood and materials page for some helpful information and other top tips



30th July

What will I learn?

Barn revisits a bent branch eating spoon he made in a previous video.


Check out the in-depth spoons page for the original videos on this spoon: left handed bent branch spoons



25th July

What will I learn?

Barn discusses his new prototype axe block, with legs made from 2"x42 - and how is ensured the block is sufficiently strong

The angle on the legs is 17.5 degrees


Check out the tools & kit page for more top tips



Tue, 16th July

What will I learn?

Barn talks through how to alter the plunge line on a spoon knife


Check out the sharpening page for more top tips



Tue, 9th July

What will I learn?

Barn shares some thoughts on a double bevelled spoon knife


Check out the sharpening page for more top tips



Tue, 2nd July

What will I learn?

Barn talks through hollow grinding a spoon knife


Check out the sharpening page for more top tips



Tue, 25th June

What will I learn?

Barn looks at making your own sleeve for a drum sander


Check out the sharpening page for more top tips



Tue, 18th June

What will I learn?

Barn looks at using the DT-Diatool for the inside of a spoon knife


Check out the sharpening page for more top tips



Tue, 11th June

What will I learn?

Barn takes a look at the shape of eggs and how that relates to egg-shaped spoons


Check out the design page for other thoughts on spoon design & egg-shaped bowls



Tue, 4th June

What will I learn?

Barn shares his thoughts on axing accurately at the neck - including some top tips on marking out & using templates.


Head to the axe work page for more top tips



Tue, 28th May

What will I learn?

Barn shares a very cute bit of treen he picked up at the Bodger's Ball from Geoff Hannis. This little toy dinosaur is actually turned using a technique called Reifendrehen that originated in Germany


Support Geoff's work over on his website

Head to Barn's Treen to see some more of Barn's treen collection.

Image Source: René Röder / Wikipedia



Tue, 21st May

What will I learn?

Barn shares a lovely bit of treen he picked up at the Bodger's Ball. A brilliant little butter spreader made by Anna Barker.


Support Anna's work over on her website

Head to Barn's Treen to see some more of Barn's treen collection.



Tue, 14th May

What will I learn?

Barn shares the newest spoon in his collection. A lovely twizzly cocktail spoon made by Anna Barker


Support Anna's work over on her website

Head to Barn's Spoons to see some more of Barn's collection.



Tue, 7th May

What will I learn?

The latest in our series with Mike Abbott talking heritage spoons - spoons that had a big impact on Barn during his time with Mike. In this episode, Barn talks about a brilliant spoon made by Martin Kibblewhite that has inspired a number of spoons Barn has made


Check out our other videos with Mike Abbott, our guest instructors page for more spoon chats with other makers and Barn's Spoons to check out Barn's collection. You can also check out in-depth spoons for the designs inspired by this spoon.



Tue, 30th April

What will I learn?

The latest in our series with Mike Abbott talking heritage spoons - spoons that had a big impact on Barn during his time with Mike. In this episode, Mike talks about spoon he made during class with the legendary Wille Sundqvist.


Check out our other videos with Mike Abbott, our guest instructors page for more spoon chats with other makers and Barn's Spoons to check out Barn's collection



Tue, 23rd April

What will I learn?

Barn is back at Greenwood Cottage with Mike Abbott talking heritage spoons - spoons that had a big impact on Barn during his time with Mike. In this episode, Mike talks about spoon he received as a wedding gift made by American green woodwork pioneer, Drew Langsner


Check out our other videos with Mike Abbott, our guest instructors page for more spoon chats with other makers and Barn's Spoons to check out Barn's collection



Tue, 16th April

What will I learn?

Barn talks about rehydrated blanks, if he uses them and how they might impact carving a spoon


Check out the caving a spoon page for information on different types of blanks



Tue, 9th April

What will I learn?

Barn shows off a weird root given to him by a friend. He discusses if it could be suitable for a spoon and how roots can grow like this.


Check out our wood & materials page for help on sourcing wood suitable for spoons as well as our in-depth spoons page for some of our spoons from less conventional materials



Tue, 2nd April

What will I learn?

Barn looks at using a handle broach - a great tool for creating a slot in a handle for a knife tang.


Check out our video on fitting a knife handle on the tools & kit page

Black Dragon Forge



Tue, 25th March

What will I learn?

Barn shares a simple jig to assist with hollowing spoons safely


This was originally shared by Hinode Seisakusho, a green woodworker based in Osaka, Japan



Tue, 17th March

What will I learn?

Barn shows off a great idea for safe tool storage, inspired by a conversation at Spoonfest with Michail Schütte


Check out the tools & kit page for other helpful tutorials and head over to Michail's website to support his work


Tue, 12th March

What will I learn?

Barn takes a closer look at concave cuts, and his favourite knives for doing them

Thin blades are inherently more fragile which brings increased risks please use appropriate PPE and safety precautions.


Check out the tools & kit page for other helpful tutorials on getting the most out of your kit


Tue, 5th March

What will I learn?

Barn completes his willow bent branch eating spoon, all the while making the most of the crank


Check the first part of this spoon and our other in-depth spoons - including the shovel ended Swedish eating spoon - also inspired by Martin Kibblewhite




Tue, 27th Feb

What will I learn?

Barn shows how to make the most of the crank whilst carving a bent branch eating spoon


Check the first part of this spoon and our other in-depth spoons


Tue, 20th Feb

What will I learn?

Barn roughs out the blank for a bent branch eating spoon, using only his knife.


Check out our other in-depth spoons


Tue, 13th Feb

What will I learn?

Barn shares a fantastic little serving spoon made from a cherry bent branch by Dan Lawrence


Support Dan's work over on his Instagram and check out his videos on the guest instructors page and his other spoons featured on the Barn's Spoons page


Tue, 6th Feb

What will I learn?

Barn shares a lovely eating spoon made by Benoit Schöni


Support Benoit's work over on his Instagram and check out the absolutely wonderful cup Benoit made that's featured on the Barn's Treen page



Tue, 30th January

What will I learn?

Barn turns his axed out blank in to a (nearly) finished spoon; he talks about the benefits and compromises of the choices made in the early stages of making the spoon as well as some challenges with the prototype spoon he made.


Check out out other in-depth spoons here




Tue, 23rd January

What will I learn?

Barn shows a new addition to his treen collection: a fantastic cup made by Benoit Schöni. The cup is finished with urushi inside (check out our guest instructors page for more information on this) and has a beautiful outside surface that mixes chunky facets and cleft surface (as well as a lovely little bark detail) - it's really something quite special.


Support Benoit's work over on his Instagram




Tue, 16th January

What will I learn?

Barn axes the blank for our newest spoon design - the thermos spoon. Inspired by recently seeing an old, long-handled spoon and a bent branch ash spoon, Barn talks through the key design features as well as changes he'll make.


Check out out other in-depth spoons here




Tue, 9th January

What will I learn?

Barn introduces a new spoon design - the thermos spoon. Inspired by recently seeing an old, long-handled spoon and a bent branch ash spoon, Barn talks through the key design features as well as changes he'll make.


Check out out other in-depth spoons here




Tue, 2nd January

What will I learn?

Barn shares another spoon from his collection. This time it's a brilliant multi-purpose spoon made by Sunny Beach.


Support Sunny's work here